Friday, September 11, 2015

Calling the Shots

Orioles Rally to Route Royals Thanks to Psychic Orioles Fan

The Orioles defeated the Royals by a final score of 14-8 on Friday night. Kansas City lead the majority of the game. In the bottom of the 8th, the O's began to start a rally, a rally no one could have predicted to occur. Really, no one? Not one person could have predicted the out come, or predict it by tweeting it perhaps, before it actually happened? There was one person who did just that. Pitt Community College Freshman and die-hard Baltimore Orioles fan Sam Lee predicted two game changing events that took place in Friday evening's ball game, that were "long shots" (literally). 

The Orioles had the bases loaded with one out. Kansas City's Kelvin Herrera was pitching to Nolan Reimold, the next batter for the Orioles. Lee, who does not have Directv which carries MASN, the Orioles TV provider, was following the game via Twitter. Suddenlink was a better deal financially to fit the college student and his roomate's budget rather than having Directv. Roch Kubatko, a writer/reporter for the Orioles thru MASN, had tweeted the Orioles had loaded the bases for Nolan Reimold with one out in the bottom of the 8th. Lee, who is an avid autograph collector, received Nolan Reimold's autograph in 2006 when Reimold played for the Fredrick Keys, a minor league team for the Baltimore Orioles. He has been a huge Reimold fan and supporter since that day he received Reimold's signature. 

The college student had a strong feeling the Orioles were going to win on this night, and tweeted Nolan Reimold would hit a Grand Slam Home-Run in his at-bat. A couple seconds later, he read Kubatko's next tweet:

Kubatko was the first to report the Grand Slam through Twitter. If you notice to times between my tweet and Kubatko's tweet, you can see my tweet was tweeted one minute before his, thus a true correct, bold, and "grand" prediction. 

The Orioles were not done. They lead 8-6 after Reimold raked in 4 runs. Two more runs scored to make it a 10-6 ball game. Lee continued to follow this intriguing through Twitter.  Kubatko tweeted the O's had the bases loaded once again, and this time Steve Clevenger was up. The die-hard Orioles fan Sam had already called one grand slam, so why not call another? 

After reloading his timeline a couple of times, a tweet appeared from Roch about what transpired when Clevenger was at the plate:
Sam Lee could not believe what he read. He was in complete shock! Yet again he calls, and the Orioles answer. Clevenger hit a Grand Slam, one minute after he had tweeted that Clevenger would. What a night for the Baltimore Orioles, their fans, and especially this one. If this was a title to an episode of "Friends" it would be "The One With the Grand Calls". Goodnight America.

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